Characterizing Blunt Vs Blast Traumatic Brain Injury in Adult Mice

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Vivian Lallo
Shelby Cansler


By Vivian Lallo, Neuroscience

Advisor: Shelby Cansler

Presentation ID: 243

Abstract: In 2019, the CDC reported 61,000 traumatic brain injury (TBI) related deaths, nearly 166 deaths per day with even more hospitalizations. Implications of TBI extend far beyond the current knowledge and understanding despite the often-debilitating effects and visual deficits seen. The purpose of this study was to characterize and compare two different animal models of traumatic brain injury (blunt head trauma and blast TBI) to determine common and divergent characteristics of these models. Blast TBI models injury from a pressure wave such as caused by an improvised explosive device (IED) most common in the special forces whereas blunt injury mimics what is commonly seen in car accidents, sports injuries, and falls. Blast and blunt injury were induced in adult male mice to observe and quantify visual deficits. Retinal ganglion cell loss and axonal degeneration in the optic tract, superior colliculus, and lateral geniculate nucleus were examined in an effort to trace injury outcomes throughout major vision-associated areas of the brain. Experimental groups included a control (sham) group, single blunt injury, single blast TBI, and repeat blast (second blast) TBI. Optokinetic responses, immunohistochemistry (myelin , histologic staining (Fluoro-jade) and western blots (GFAP and RBPMS) were performed and analyzed. Where a single blunt injury produces significant visual deficits a single blast injury appears to have less severe visual consequences. Visual deficits after repeat blasts are similar to a single blast. Single blast injury induces contralateral damage to right optic chiasm and tract whereas bilateral injury occurs from a single blunt.

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Category: New Frontiers