Effects of Various Pre-Test Taking Strategies on Cognitive Performance

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Jenna Burns
Audrey Bard
Mykah Long
Susan Kotowski


By Jenna Burns, Health Sciences; Audrey Bard, Health Sciences; Mykah Long, Health Sciences - Pre Med

Advisor: Susan Kotowski

Presentation ID: 221

Abstract: Previous research has shown that certain pre-test taking strategies can be beneficial to performance on a given assessment. Some strategies involve the digestion of certain foods and/or drinks, while others may be more behavioral such as exercise. The purpose of this project is to determine the effects that different consumable supplements and actions (exercise or meditation) can have on an individual's performance on a cognitive test fundamentally based on the Stroop effect. The subjects completed a survey that was conducted via RedCap which included information regarding their age, gender, weight, the amount of caffeine consumed per week/weekend, pre-test taking strategies, how often they participated in physical activity, as well as other baseline questions necessary for adequate assessing. The Stroop test was taken by each participant following each supplement ingestion or activity three times and then an average was taken. Activities completed by the participants included: exercise (jumping jacks), meditation, consumption of caffeine (coffee), Red bull, and green tea. The research was conducted on healthy individuals between the ages of 15 and 30 who were recruited via a sampling of convenience. We hypothesize that subjects will best perform on the cognitive test when exercising or meditating beforehand, depending on which of these two actions he/she is most used to.

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Category: Health & Body