How Ability Fits Into Intersectionality A Study of Disparity of Women Within the Deaf* Community

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Madison Sobieski
Amy Lind


By Madison Sobieski, Political Science

Advisor: Amy Lind

Presentation ID: 322

Abstract: I intend to discuss why emphasis needs to be placed on the studying of ability within intersectionality as well as give examples of how ability is part of identity.To further the discussion of how disability plays a role in identity and thus intersectionality, I am going to focus on Deafness. There is an immense sense of culture within the Deaf* world, which is why I think it specifically brings an interesting perspective to the table of ability and disability. Thus, making Deafness a larger part of one's identity than other disabilities may be to another person. I want to focus on the intersectionality of Deafness and how Deaf* people feel their Deafness ties into their identity. Lastly, I would like to specifically draw on the experiences of Deaf* women and how the intersection of Deafness and gender affect them in their daily lives. I would like to touch on the historical disparity in treatment of Deaf* women and Deaf* men. Generally, people hold the perception that there is inequality and injustice to people that have disabilities, I would like to focus on this perception and draw attention specifically to the mistreatment and inequalities that Deaf* women face and thus how those things have become essential to their own identities. 


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Category: Community & Cultural Connections