"We Need to Care about This, and Yes the Facts Are Terrifying"

Understanding Young People's Perspectives about Energy Transition and Climate Adaptation in Regional Australia


  • Monica Green


youth, climate change adaptation, communities leading change, regional energy transition, community, australia


This small-scale study examinesyoung people’s perspectives aboutenergy transition and climate change adaptation in regional Gippsland, Victoria,Australia. As the opinions and experiences of children and youth have been historically overlooked in contemporary sustainability climate discourse and policy, this research investigatespreviously unheard accounts.The studydrawsonfourfacilitated “Conversations for Change”discussions with a total of 14 young people (aged 9-17)that exploredtheir ideas and concerns about sustaining themselves and their communities during a time of climate change and energy transition. Theirideas and opinionsaboutliving in/with a climate-alteredlocaland global futurearereflected across four main themes: (a)young people’s values;(b) perceptions of energy, transition and adaptation;(c) the enabling role of climate literacy for young people; and (d) responding to a just energy transition through collective endeavors.

