Teen Places in Sunshine, Australia: Then and Now


  • Patsy Eubanks Owens


adolescents, teenagers, environmental preferences, outdoor places


This study examines the use and value of outdoor places by teenagers in Sunshine, Australia. Original research, including surveys with 101 teens and behavior observations of valued teen places, and a comparison with a similar study conducted almost 20 years earlier is reported. Of the 239 valued places selected by the teens, the most often valued places were developed parks, places at home, and commercial areas. Teens, then and now, value places where they can hang out with their friends and places where they can be alone. Recreation areas, commercial areas, and streets are places Sunshine teens go to be with others. Their home or a friend's home are places valued because the teen can be alone. This paper also suggests opportunities and limitations of revisiting previous study locations with the intent of conducting a comparative analysis.





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