Importance of Spatial Arrangements for Young Children in Day Care Centers


  • Mara I. Campos-de-Carvalho
  • M. Clotilde Rossetti-Ferreira


spatial arrangement, day care center, Brazil


This article discusses some implications of spatial arrangements - qualitative aspects of the physical environment - for educational objectives in day care centers, particularly for young children. An educational proposal for day care centers is presented, which emphasizes the importance of both adult - child interactions and peer interactions for development and indicates how a semi-open spatial arrangement may promote those interactions. An empirical study which investigated the relations between spatial arrangements and the distribution of two- to three-yearold children in their playrooms in two Brazilian day care centers for low-income families is also presented. The data in that study were important for the elaboration of our educational proposal. Their relevance for designing children's collective environments is discussed.





Research Articles