Children’s Participation in Urban Planning and Design

A Systematic Review


  • Özlemnur Ataol
  • Sukanya Krishnamurthy
  • Pieter van Wesemael


children, urban planning, urban environment, participatory approaches


Urban planning and design play a central role in determining the quality of the built environment and the ways families with children can access and use public space. However, there remains an ongoing need to clarify children’s involvement in planning. This paper carries out a systematic literature review of 30 studies published between 1990-2017 in order to address and review the current state of the art of participatory approaches in urban planning to create child-focused urban environments. This systematic review resulted in (1) a comprehensive, quantitative picture of the current studies focusing on the participation of children; (2) an effective way to conceptualize children in planning; (3) a list of requirements for the successful practice of planning with children and its relation to sustainable communities; (4) discussion of the link between urban planning, methods, approaches, and outcomes for child-focused urban environments; (5) identification of existing gaps in the literature; and (6) examination of the role of policies and the link between policies, urban planning, methods, and approaches for further research.

