Growing Up in NYC

Reflections on Two Summers of Action Research


  • David Driskell



New York, action research, youth participation, community development, university-community partnerships, participatory planning


*Youth Transforming Their Environments and Communities | Reports from the Field

Growing Up in NYC (GUiNYC) is an action research project launched in the summer of 2005 in six neighborhoods of New York City. Structured as a collaboration between Cornell University and community-based organizations in each neighborhood, the project seeks to engage young people ages 11 to 16 as coresearchers in exploring and evaluating the local environment, identifying priorities for change, and working with adults to make change happen. The report provides an overview of the project’s activities in its first two summers and highlights some of the key challenges and lessons learned. Attention is focused on issues of structure and process rather than on the substantive outcomes of young people’s research about their local areas. Issues covered include cultivating project ownership at all levels; creating opportunities for young people to take the lead early and often; making research activities more engaging and fun while acknowledging the value they can provide for young participants; and taking into consideration the “spaces of participation” that are created by organizational factors such as size, structure, mission and physical environment.

