Typography Education: Eco-System and Excellence
The following two essays are responses to Maria Dos Santos Lonsdale's article entitled "Typographic Features Of Text: Outcomes from Research and Practice" (Visible Language 48.3, 2014). From the lens of two professors of typography from the Myron E. Ullman School of Design at the University of Cincinnati, these partner texts position Lonsdale's detailed information about typographic principles for legibility into a broader, typographic ecosystem. In Part 1, Reneé Seward defines this ecosystem as a complex relationship between two differing components of information processing: seeing and perceiving. In Part 2, Emily Verba Fischer explores the cultivation of aesthetic sophistication in design students through attention to detail within that ecosystem. Overall, these responses discuss the influence of the typographic ecosystem to education, research, and practice as a whole. They were written for the same audience as identified by Lonsdale in her paper,"typographic and graphic designers, teachers and students" (29).Downloads
Journal Article