Back Issues
Because Visible Language is the oldest design journal, we support scholars by making PDFs of all back issues available. The full catalog of back issues is now available!
Visible Language is the oldest peer-reviewed design journal. It advocates the teaching, research, and practice of visual communication design to enhance the human experience. Published by the Myron E. Ullman Jr. School of Design at the University of Cincinnati, Visible Language balances artfulness with science, innovation with respect for human patterns of use, evidence-based research with intuitive exploration, and technology with humanity.
- published 3 times a year: April, September, December
- double-blind peer review
- open-access 12 months from publication
- searchable database of all back-issues on-line
- acceptance rate below 20%
ISSN 0022-2224
Back Issues
Because Visible Language is the oldest design journal, we support scholars by making PDFs of all back issues available. The full catalog of back issues is now available!