Analyzing Multimodal Interaction within a Classroom Setting


  • Heloisa Moura


Human interactions are multimodal in nature. From simple to complex forms of transferal of information, human beings draw on a multiplicity of communicative modes, such as intonation and gaze, to make sense of everyday experiences. Likewise, the learning process, either within traditional classrooms or Virtual Learning Environments, is shaped by learners' perceptions of what is being communicated multimodally to them intentionally or not, and by the perceptible pedagogical affordances of the environment. This paper examines the specific place of action and multimodal interaction within the learning process. It starts by defining learning and multimodal interaction. Next, it expands on an existing methodological framework for analyzing multimodal interaction in order to include affordances for learning and to visually map the central role of action to learning. Finally, it makes use of the reviewed methodological framework to analyze a video ethnographic study of interactions that take place within a graduate Design classroom.






Journal Article